15 Signs That Your Child Is Being Bullied

By William Gerace, 18 May 2018

5Changes in Friendship Circle

If suddenly you notice that your child’s network of friends has changed then this could also be an indicator of some changes. Often the bully will isolate the child from their social network by calling names, gossiping or saying things that just aren’t true. This is especially true with girls. If there is one that is running the group or network circle they will say or make the child do things to remain accepted and if they don’t then the name calling and other lies begin. This can be quite destructive to a young child’s developing mind and behavior. As children enter middle and high school this type of action can increase tremendously. If your child’s entire group of friends has changed or is basically non-existent than it is definitely time to meet with the school or even contact your child’s friends’ parents to see if they noticed anything too. 

Image Source: defense.gov

6Changes in Eating Habits

Changes in eating habits can mean many things however if it is consistently occurring when they arrive home from school then this might also be a clear indicator of bullying. Examples may include your child is always hungry when they come home from school versus on the weekend this doesn’t seem to occur. Bullies will use any weakness they can on a child and will taunt them by stealing their food or ridiculing them in front of others so that they don’t’ feel comfortable enough to eat with their peers. You might want to spend some time with your child at school during lunch if you experience this or see if your child ’s school has a bullying program or buddy system. Most schools have these in place and it is a best practice to ask if you see these behaviors. Often times if you stop the behavior early you can put an end before any significant damage is done. 

Image Source: pixabay.com

7Disruption in Sleeping Patterns

Children that are victims of Bullying often have disrupted sleep patterns. They will have a very hard time sleeping and seem really anxious when trying to rest. Anytime you see anything like this it is definitely a red flag you want to have investigated right away. If you notice this then you definitely want to consult your family physician for assistance.

Image Source: www.mamanatural.com

8Your Child Beings to Cry or Have Extreme Changes in Emotions for No Reason

If you bring up school and find that your child starts crying or gets really nervous when this conversation is brought up, then it is definitely time to investigate the situation further. Furthermore, in the case of high school students if you find your teenager gets more upset especially as the weekend approaches then it is time to speak to them about it. They are definitely hiding something that is going on.


Image Source: www.minddisorders.com

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