Squats are one of the best exercises for a firm butt. Place your feet at only shoulder width apart and stand on your entire feet, not on the ball of the foot, toes or heel. Your feet should be flat. Now lower yourself in a sitting position where your knees and feet should be in the same line. Your back should be straight. For balance, you can stretch your arms out in front of you. Rise up slowly and repeat
The squat will strengthen the buttocks, ankles, and thighs.
Image Source: valufitness.com
While lying on your back with your arms outstretched above your head, bend your knees. Now raise your upper body slowly while keeping arms straight. Touch your toes and return to the starting position. For a better idea see the follow the image. This is good for core strength and fat burning.
Image Source: www.instagram.com
Get into the position as shown in the image which means you have to prop yourself on your feet and hands on the floor beneath you. You need to feel the tension in the back. Raise one leg to a considerable height as much as you can but don’t overstrain. Now lower your upper body while keeping your heel on the floor. Do not lift your heel.
This will strengthen your waist muscles, abdominal muscles and buttocks.
Image Source: www.womendailymagazine.com
While lying in a face-down position, keep your arms bent at the elbow. Place your elbow beneath your head. Now your upper body should be lifted as far as possible. Maintain the position for 1 second and return to the starting position.
This is good for the spine, muscle strength and tone.
Image Source: www.fmdos.cl