This is known as the father card and reveals your feelings to authority.
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You could have seen a man, a huge man, a bear, gorilla, Sasquatch. But what you see symbolizes your boss, the government or your parents and reveals how you feel about them. If you saw a monster with aggression, it could mean that you are intimidated by authority or your father.
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Card 5 according to Rorschach himself was the easiest card where people could see just one or two things in there.
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The most common answers for this were recorded as either a bat or butterfly. If you see moving people here or more images in this card in comparison to card 4 or 6, it means you could be having schizophrenia. By chance, if you saw crocodile heads on the end of the wings, it means you are highly aggressive too others.
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Seeing things upside down isn’t a bad idea to gain new perspectives. The best way to read this card is to turn it around. It reveals the attitude of your sexual subconsciousness.
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By looking at the card the right way up, it appears to be an animal hide. Seeing the card this way means you love tactile sensations but then if you turn it sideways or around, it might appear a boat or submarine. When it’s upside down or you may see shades of long nose men with a goatee or theatre masks. If you see both the boat and men, you take the dominant active sexual role.
If by chance you saw a rug or something that resembles a rug, it means that you have difficulties staying alone and always need to be in a relationship. To some, it may look like a mushroom cloud but that could mean you’re stoned or thinking too much about North Korea you could be Trump or Kim Jong Un taking the test.
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