Doctors Find That Restless Leg Syndrome Increases Heart Related Death In Women

By Andrew Alpin, 23 March 2018

9The condition can be mild to severe

The severity of RLS symptoms range from mild to unbearable but the severity isn’t constant and comes and goes. For many, the condition can disrupt night sleep and impair quality of life. Restless leg syndrome affects both men and women from any age. Even young children can be afflicted by it. 

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10No specific cure as yet

Doctors are yet to establish a specific cause for RLS and attribute it to genes and there could also be other factor associated with the disease such as renal failure, diabetes, Parkinsons, and peripheral neuropathy. Some of the ways to control the condition is to improve sleep and avoid alcohol. 

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11What to avoid in restless leg syndrome

Ingredients that can aggravate the disease further are coffee, alcohol and excess sugar. Moreover, one should not wear tight clothes and practice methods to get adequate and healthy sleep. Speak to your doctor about taking iron supplements or vitamin D that has been found to reduce symptoms of restless leg syndrome

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