Mix the grated ginger and cayenne pepper. Then add it to the apple cider vinegar or olive oil. I wouldn’t mind using both olive oil and ACV. Both have immense health properties. Stir the mixture well till you get a paste. Now apply this to the affected area which can be covered with a soft pad. Leave on for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water and dry the area. You can leave leftovers in the refrigerator for applying later.
Image Source: mizu-trouble.net
What you should note is that for this remedy to work, you have to use raw organic unprocessed apple cider vinegar that contains properties to decrease calcium buildup and acid crystals that cause osteoarthritis. It is also rich in enzymes and nutrients where ACV can also be consumed by taking 1-2 teaspoonful diluted in water two to three times daily.
Cayenne pepper conations the ingredient capsaicin which is regularly used in plasters such as capsico plaster to relive pain. Ginger is a known anti-inflammatory product and is also a natural ingredient used to treat arthritis.
Image Source: livelovefruit.com
Joint pain can be a killer and while you must take your medication, you can use these natural remedies mentioned below for additional support to help you bear up the condition and live a better quality of life. However, please consult your doctor about trying out any internal natural remedy to find out if it won’t interfere with your medication.
Image Source: healthyfocus.org
Yes, we know this isn’t a remedy for arthritis but it is equally important that you should maintain your weight when suffering from joint pain because additional body fat can place more stress on joints increasing the pain. In fact, fat does more than that. It also releases chemicals and hormones into your body that can increase inflammation. This is why you need to maintain a healthy body weight when suffering from joint pain.
Image Source: www.thrombocyte.com