If you try to write a sentence with too many words and too large words, it will end up incorrect. Keeping it simple achieves the same meaning, the same message and also makes it correct. In the same way, complicating your life by going about tasks in a roundabout way without using the resources of technology and progress to make it simple can only waste time and lead to failure and stress.
Says Richard Branson ‘” “The desire to complicate things is your enemy. Everyone can create something complex. It’s hard to do something simple.”
Image Source: dama.bg
A woman’s place ISNT in the Kitchen, REAL men DO CRY. Gone are the ancient ways of thinking otherwise. Living by a stereotype distorts reality and prevents you from leading a quality life. It also forces you to live by the rules of others where you surpass your own growth.
Said Steve Jobs “Your time is limited. That’s why you shouldn’t lose it by living other people’s lives. Do not fall into the trap of dogma. Do not let the noise of other people’s opinions beat your inner voice.”
Image Source: www.mauritius.holidays.io
Billionaires today regard philanthropy as the ultimate satisfying factor of their success. Many of them like Bill Gates simply give money away to improve society. However according to Zuckerberg “Millenials are one of the generations that sent the most money to charity throughout history. But it’s not only about the money; you can donate your time as well.”
Spending time and energy for the advancement of society gives you immense peace and self-appreciation. However, this too needs a priority factor where children in need of food and shelter are more important than a neighbor’s lazy husband.
Image Source: www.entrepreneur.com
As a principle of Billionaires, Getting rich comes by passion, dedication and hard work. Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither was Microsoft, Facebook, Google and Tesla. Take it one step at a time. Success doesn’t mean only money, it means loving what you do and learning to make the correct decisions in life to be content.
Image Source: careerwise.ie