Miracle Baby Born 23 Weeks Premature Has Brain Visible Through Skin Yet Survives

By Andrew Alpin, 20 March 2018

9Her eyes were infused together

Hailie was so premature that she had not fully developed in the womb. Her eyes were infused together when she was born. She also risked losing her sight because her retina too was yet to develop. She was diagnosed with stage three Retinoplasty of prematurity or ROP. 

Image Source: dailymail.co.uk

10They lived in the hospital staff quarters

Hailie was born with a collapsed lung and had to be resuscitated on delivery. During their ordeal, Cherie and Timothy spent three months living in the staff quarters of the James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough. Slowly they watched little Hailie grow stronger each day. 

Image Source: independent.co.uk

11Release day finally

Hailie was finally released on June 19th, 2017 and went home with her proud parents. The little girl had survived her ordeal and proved quite the little fighter. Cherie said that Timothy and she have agreed not to have any more kids. (That’s great!! Considering they now have four!!) “Hopefully next year he can treat me to somewhere away from hospitals.” Said Cherie. 

Image Source: new-day.in.ua

12The little fighter is a year old

Hailie is now a year old and has been considered by parents and doctors alike as a miracle baby. Cherie proud of her little stalwart said, “I’m so proud of her, what we’ve been through and what she has been through has been horrendous.”

Image Source: independent.co.uk

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