11 Physical Anxiety Symptoms That Most People Don’t Realize Is a Sign of Anxiety Disorder

By Andrew Alpin, 5 March 2018

5Dizzy spells and headaches

Dizzy spells and headaches may be associated with migraines and other physical conditions instead of anxiety disorders. 

Image Source: joemonster.org


6Shortness of breath, heart palpitations

Such things can easily be mistaken for several other symptoms and even disease. Such symptoms aren’t ever associated with anxiety in most diagnosis.

Image Source: in.pinterest.com


7Muscle tension, neck and back pain

Muscle tension is one huge anxiety symptom which you could be suffering from. If you are getting muscle pain often and also facing a lot of stress and panic attacks, it could be a sure sign of anxiety disorders. Muscle pain could also lead to neck and back pain

Image Source: www.atlanticchiropracticandrehab.com


8Diarrhea and upset stomach

Irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea and upset stomach can also be associated with anxiety disorders and as anxiety symptoms, they cannot be ruled out. The problem here is to present all your symptoms to a doctor along with your history of anxiety disorders for him to make an accurate connection. The reason for providing your doctor complete information is to analyze your condition as you wouldn’t want to be treated for anxiety disorder if you have a heart problem. 

Image Source: media4.s-nbcnews.com


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