25 Personality Characteristics to Prove You Are a Mentally Strong Person

By Andrew Alpin, 3 November 2017

6You don’t live in a dream world

There are a number of people who dream of being something but can’t quite come to terms with the reality of their standing in life. It’s not bad to dream of being successful but a mentally strong people will strike a balance between such thoughts that help them accept their present status of who they really are. 

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7You are happy for other people when they succeed

Like a true sportsman, a strong person will always take pride in a colleague’s or friend’s success congratulating tem with tons of praise; they are never jealous and celebrate another’s happiness. They are quick to motivate and encourage too.

8Your decisions are influenced by your values

It is easy for you to make a decision simply because you know the important things in life and what needs your immediate focus. Because of your own values, you find it easier to make a decision that will help you on the right path. 

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9You’d rather improve than show off your existing skills

While others are busy boasting about their skills, you being the perfectionist will always regard yourself as a person who needs to improve. You are confident and secure about who you are and don’t need recognition from others.

10Everything about you is authentic

You don’t live in a bubble and neither do you make out to be someone you are not. You actions also will never be contradictory and clash with your words. You believe in portraying an honest display of yourself and will always lead an authentic life and there is never anything false about you. 

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