36 Perfectly Timed Photographs That Will Twist Your Mind

By Andrew Alpin, 13 May 2018

6Across the moon

Still thinking photoshop? No, it isn’t because it’s just a result of split-second timing and yes, there are people who may be sky gazing at night. Even if there is one in a billion, posting the photo on social media will mean a billion gets to see it. 

Image Source: www.patrasevents.gr

7Olympic moon

The Olympic rings caught on camera in a unique position. This symbol was designed by Baron Pierre De Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympics. The Olympic rings symbolize the five continents who participate in the games with America as one.

Image Source: www.vamoslaportugal.com

8The headless gymnast

This is another brilliant shot taken at the precise moment which you may have seen before. Did you know the name of this gymnast? She is Katherine Coronel of Venezuela and the photo was taken by Martin Benetti. 

Image Source: ytimg.com

9Buddha the all-powerful

A perfect ironical shot to show how small we are in the presence of the Almighty. A photograph reflecting literally the fact that we are all in God's hands. ON the technical side, it’s a brilliant shot though. 

Image Source: techeblog.com

10The heavens open up

Now, this is a crazy shot that isn’t impossible. A rainbow can appear even while the sky is still in throes of thunder and lightning although the phenomenon is quite rare. Whoever got the shot has struck photographic gold. 

Image Source: www.achhikhabar.in

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