27 Times People Explained Popular Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

By Andrew Alpin, 5 June 2018

16Superman Dawn of Justice

Now this movie gave many a new celebrity to dislike. I don’t know about you but Jesse Eisenberg’s mannerisms in the movie is clownish and simply irritating and I’m speaking about the HMMs, and MMMs that he keeps repeating as if epileptic after every sentence.

Image Source: www.dumpaday.com

17The Lion King

You may have seen this as a kid but definitely, this will still induce a warm glow in your heart. It had a brilliant soundtrack with Circle of Life being sung by Elton John Gary Barlow and Rick Astley.

Image Source: scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com

18Star Wars

If the first three prequels of Star Wars fired up a generation, the second series in the franchise enthralled another. George Lucas struck gold with a concept that wasn’t really meant to be. But!! Here’s what sums up the movie for many.

Image Source: static.boredpanda.com

19Fast and Furious

With all due respect to Paul Walker, this franchise went on for too long and really had nothing new to offer except for those car chases centered on some robbery or crime or the other.

Image Source: www.sukita.info


This is the ultimate cynical summary of the Titanic where everyone ends up literally on ice. It might seem insensitive to the original victims, but this is to be taken in a lighter vein here as we are discussing the movie.

Image Source: files.brightside.me

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