People Who Are Evolving Into Their Pets In Most Hilarious Ways

By Bincy Joseph, 31 May 2018

11Chasing the same dreams

Sunday morning sleep has no competition and can be quite a fun when you are sleeping with your pet kitty. But look at this picture it seems like both the owner and the sweet little cat are chasing the same dreams in their sleep. I wonder is it about chasing a mouse or about Monday morning work!

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12The hairstylist dog

This cute little girl is so attached to her dog that she did the hairstyle of her puppy in the same way as she did. If you are not looking at their faces and go for their hairstyle and dress up, you can hardly identify who’s who?

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13The lost match

This picture defines that the owner has lost a sports match and is completely shattered about losing the game. His expressions are understandable but look at his dog making the same face owing to the loss of its master. This happens when you are so fond of your master that everything affects you in the same way as it affects your master.

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14The bad teeth day

Mom asked the owner to show his teeth, he was a bit reluctant and knew that it was yellow thus showed just half of them. But what about the one sitting beside? He is also trying to give the same grin showing off its yellow teeth to get a scolding for brushing them properly.

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15The twinning selfie

This is what happens when you behave like twins. See this man who dressed up his cute little pup in the same way as he did to take out a twinning selfie. The colourful clothes and the tiara says it all! Isn’t this picture worth a million-dollar smile?

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16The angry young baby

This picture is a perfect example of anger at its best. I suppose it is the candy and the dog bone that is snatched away from these innocent faces which made them give this angry look.

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