Bearded Men Challenge That's Causing Some Mind Boggling Images

By Christopher Paul, 4 June 2018

5 Thug Life

This one is funny to give us a much-needed break from all the weird ones we've seen so far. A nice thick beard with glasses and an ahem... ahem... you know what it is. You have to admit this one is creative and funny.

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4 Your New Wallpaper?

This picture can easily be a wallpaper and no one will question why. It just has that feeling and look that makes it epic in a weird sort of a way. The thick white beard, the blue background, it looks awesome.

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3 This Is Just Weird

It honestly looks like a thumb with some hair stuck to it. Although the bread does look cute from this angle there is something about that man's neck that just has me thinking of a thumb and nothing else.

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2 Relax, It's Just Here To Eat Your Soul

Run, if you ever see this, just run. Oh my god is this scary. The way the beard is perfectly parted in the center and looks like a mouth while some beard hair strands look like tentacles. This is a perfect horror movie creature design right here.

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1 Nightmare Fuel

Saving the scariest one for the last. If this causes you to have some sleep loss or nightmares, we are terribly sorry. This is what how not to be creative with this challenge. This man though a genius, has made something of pure horror.

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