Savor A Life-Time Experience By Visiting Most Isolated Places On Earth

By Ashish Ranjan, 10 January 2018

4Supai Village the Indian Preservation

Supai village is located in Arizona. Only almost a little over two hundred people live at this village. It is one of the rarest Indian preservations in America. The only way to get to this place is by helicopter trip or by eight mile hike.

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5Palmerston Island

Palmerston Island is a very small diamond-shaped island in the Pacific Ocean. It is made up of relatively smaller islands which in totality takes a shape of a diamond. Only 62 people live on this island and you can only travel to this island by boat.

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6Villa Las Estrellas

Villa Las Estrellas is a small village located in Chile. The place is more of a research center rather than a home. The island has only two hundred residents and is located only 70 miles away from the coast of Antarctica. It has a very harsh climate.

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7The Amundsen Scott South Pole Station

There is only one full day, and one full night at the South Pole. Once the sun come out, it stays for six months and rest six months of the year are dark. There is literally no residents but almost two hundred researchers live there. The temperature can reach a low of minus 90 degrees.

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