Did you ever think, what is the most expensive material on this planet? Did you ever wonder what would be the price of a single gram of that material? Well put your mind at ease and check out today's list of the 15 most expensive substances on the planet.
One of the most common materials used in jewellery is also one of the most expensive substances in the world. It is often praised and worshipped for centuries and has held an important spot in many cultures. Currently Gold is priced at $56 per gram.
Image Source: financialtribune.com
This is a substance you might have not heard off and for good reason too. It is one of the rarest materials on the planet. Scientists have said that this material is so rare that in one ton of earth's crust we can only find 0.001g of rhodium. The price of 1g rhodium is rhodium $58.
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This is among the most precious and expensive substances found on our planet. It is used as a catalyst in science experiments, in anti cancer drugs and also as jewellery. It is resistant towards alkalis and acids. One gram of Platinum costs $60.
Image Source: www.arscars.com
You must have heard this name due to the award winning and widely popular show Breaking Bad. It is commonly referred to as Crystal Meth. A highly addictive drug that is illegal in every country. If caught with this drug the punishment will include serious prison time. If caught on the drug, life metaphorically comes to an end. Its price is at $100 to $120 per gram.
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Many people argue whether the horn has any medical proprieties, regardless the rhino species is still on the verge of extinction. There are supports on both sides of this argument on the use of a rhinoceros's horn. The price for a gram of that horn is $110.
Image Source: images.earthtouchnews.com
The drug along with cocaine that has been ruling and destroying lives since the 1900s. Illegal in every country yet consumed by millions in different ways. It can be smoked, snorted or injected straight into the bloodstream. One gram of Heroin costs from $110 to $130.
Image Source: trofire.com
One of the most infamous drug in all of human history. The drug that has ruined and destroyed lives. It will cost you a fortune to this highly addictive white crystal powder. The price for one gram can range from $250 to $600 based on the purity.
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One of the most famous or better to say infamous drugs of the 1960s. It was synthesized by Albert Hoffman and caused hallucinations which made it so popular. Currently the drug is sold at an astonishing $3,000 for a single gram.
Image Source: i1.wp.com
This rare and extremely radioactive material is used in science and military work for example creating nuclear weapons. It is heavy yet a very fragile substance of a silvery-white colour. The current price is $4,000 per gram.
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This rare gem is usually bought by gem collectors. It has a mixture of red-brown and orange hues. There are only a few hundreds of these on the planet. This stone is so rare, not many people know of its existence. A single gram is worth $9,000.
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Another rare gemstone, discovered by Richard Taaffe. It is harder to find than diamonds yet more durable. It can be found in violet, red, pink or white colour. Although this stone is rare and expensive, it is not used a lot in jewellery. One gram of this costs $20,000.
Image Source: siamagazin.com
This rare radioactive isotope has illuminating properties that makes it very useful in self-illuminating products. Being a radio-active isotope, it has applications in nuclear weapons too. The price of the 4th most expensive material on the planet is $40,000 for one gram.
You knew you were going to see this sharp, hard and colourless, crystallized carbon structure on this list. Best known for its use in jewellery and being a woman's best friend, a single gram of this will set you back by $55,000.
Image Source: ichef.bbci.co.uk
And now we enter the million-dollar league with the first substance, Californium. This rare substance can only be produced in a lab and can only be done by the best nuclear scientists. Being radioactive in nature this substance is used in nuclear applications. The price for one gram is from $25 million to $27 million.
Image Source: www.chemistrylearner.com
The most expensive substance on this planet, the price of which is not in millions or billions but trillions. This substance takes years and a fortune to produce and is highly destructive if not handled with care. When antimatter collides with normal matter it produces a huge amount of energy which is why scientists are researching this material. One gram of antimatter is worth $62.5 trillion.
Image Source: aboutislam.net