23 Memorable Photographs That Will Take You On A Nostalgic Journey Of Time

By Andrew Alpin, 11 April 2018

11German POWs horrified at a films being shown to them

This is photograph of German POWs in American camps being shown footage of Jewish concentration camps. You can see many covering their faces in disgust.

Image Source: www.reddit.com

12The car of Bonnie and Clyde after a trap in Bienville

You might have heard of Americas’ most notorious crime couple Bonnie and Clyde who robbed a series of banks and even people during the prohibition days. This is a picture of their bullet-riddled car when they were ambushed by security forces near Bienville, in Louisiana on May 23rd, 1934. 

Image Source: www.reddit.com

13Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney

An iconic photograph of Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney on 19th December 1983 during their musical collaboration that produced hits like “the girl is mine” 

Image Source: www.reddit.com

14Live Japanese assassination caught on TV

This shocked the world in 1960 when TV cameras caught a live assassination of socialist politician Asanuma by 17 year old Yamaguchi using a traditional Japanese sword. 

Image Source: amazonaws.com

15The day the Sphinx was discovered

Many of us simply look at pictures of the Sphinx at Giza without much interest but imagine the excitement of those discovering it for the first time. This photograph shows a partially excavated Sphinx in 1960. 

Image Source: hiveminer.com

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