This is photograph of German POWs in American camps being shown footage of Jewish concentration camps. You can see many covering their faces in disgust.
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You might have heard of Americas’ most notorious crime couple Bonnie and Clyde who robbed a series of banks and even people during the prohibition days. This is a picture of their bullet-riddled car when they were ambushed by security forces near Bienville, in Louisiana on May 23rd, 1934.
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An iconic photograph of Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney on 19th December 1983 during their musical collaboration that produced hits like “the girl is mine”
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This shocked the world in 1960 when TV cameras caught a live assassination of socialist politician Asanuma by 17 year old Yamaguchi using a traditional Japanese sword.
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Many of us simply look at pictures of the Sphinx at Giza without much interest but imagine the excitement of those discovering it for the first time. This photograph shows a partially excavated Sphinx in 1960.
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