Meghan Markle Says If Harry Wants To Marry Her, He Has To Stop Doing This

By Andrew Alpin, 1 January 2018

6Royal property does not allow smoking

The big wedding is scheduled for mid-May and that will undoubtedly be quite a spectacle. Even before the big day, he won’t be allowed a puff and that’s for sure.

There is another factor that has influenced Harry’s intentions to quit and that is the Palace itself. All residences and building coming under the royal banner do not allow smoking on the premises.

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7Harry will give it up for love

Regardless of whether Harry has to give up this for Meghan Markle, he should actually give it up for himself because Tobacco kills!! There is no two ways about it. There are several thousand people who are struggling to quit smoking everyday and many have said the book, The Easy Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr has helped them a lot.

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8You can give it up out of love for yourself

There are ways and means to give up smoking but presumably, the best way is to take a walk out of your door, stand in your garden, breathe a huge breath of fresh air with the cigarette in your hand and snuff it out. Tell yourself you’re stopping then and there that very minute. Walk back home without a thought in your head and without turning back. That’s how I did it. Nicotine gum is horrible and coaxing a habit down the stairs is bullcrap.

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