15 Common Mistakes People Make When Trying To Lose Weight

By Andrew Alpin, 9 April 2018

6You skip meals

The biggest and probably the most common mistake people all across the globe make is to skip breakfast or dinner thinking, the reduction in calorie intake would help you get thin faster, but this cannot be further than truth. Skipping meals slows down your metabolic rates and increases cravings to snack on unhealthy items which defeat the whole purpose. 

Image Source: brightside.me

7Restricting yourself too much

Well logically speaking reducing portion sizes, if done properly does help in weight reduction, but in no way should you starve yourself. If you are constantly feeling hungry you are fundamentally going wrong somewhere. It is unhealthy and reduces your metabolism to preserve limited energy and retain fat. This makes it harder for you to lose fat. 

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8You also skip breakfast

This is another common mistake made by many. In a bid to rush to work we neglect breakfast. The result can make you want to binge and overeat during the day. Incorporate a balance between your regular healthy diet. Consume a good breakfast of healthy carbs, good fibre and lean protein. Items like Greek yoghurt, oats and eggs are good choice. 

Image Source: www.dreamstime.com

9You cut out your bad foods completely

We never realize how the common little things go a long way in becoming obstacles in any weight and fat loss journey. Cutting out bad foods entirely makes you want them even more. The trick is to cut down slowly, for example: if you are habituated in adding two cubes or teaspoons of sugar in your warm beverages, add one. Eat less sugary snacks and in this way your taste buds will adapt to be satisfied even with the items that are less sweet. Another problem in cutting out such foods entirely too fast is that you end up giving in to food cravings and busting your diet.

Eat a portion that is sensible and not too much. Allow yourself a cheat meal once in a while like perhaps once or twice a week. This will ensure your diet is on track. 

Image Source: kinja-img.com

10Choosing fat-free and low-fat processed foods

People are magnetically pulled by the cunning marketing gimmick promoting so-called low fat and fat –free food which equals to healthy eating, but what innocent customers do not realize is that these food items are laced with sugar and additives to make it taste palatable. In fact, choose minimally processed or unprocessed food as they are natural and contain low fat or healthy fat. Make sure you scan the labels and ingredients to spot sugar disguised with fancy names. 

Image Source: bestie.vn

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