16 Photographs Of Lindsay Lohan’s New Boyfriend the Korean Hulk: Guess how tall he is?

By Andrew Alpin, 17 December 2017

9Bungee jumping

He shouldn’t be trying all this really because of the enormous bulk. This is the world’s highest bungy, so obviously he has to show off. But you have to hand it to him though, if he really was a fat kid, then he has certainly impressed many with his transformation.


Image Source: www.cdninstagram.com

10A pelt larger than him

Obviously PETA hasn’t got to you as yet but stick around with Lohan in the states more often and they will. That looks like one large animal pelt he’s wearing as it looks even bigger than his frame. 

Image Source: www.uecdn.es

11Why are celebrities wearing high heels?

Quite a number of guys are doing it and so the Hulk to not to be outdone also has on heels and they don’t look very masculine. Perhaps getting in touch with his effeminate side?? Is that why she says they are just good friends??

Image Source: www.woman.ru

12Posing with Lindsay

Here is another shot of the alleged lovebirds which looks to be at some outing to a nightclub. And as usual he is wearing sunglasses at night, is he actually starstruck? Doesn’t he know he is the bigger star here??? And, the subject of a lot of media attention lately. 

Image Source: www.thesuperficial.com

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