The New Rage in Japan Is Polishing Foil Balls To Perfection And The Result Is Extremely Satisfying

By Andrew Alpin, 2 April 2018

The Japanese are full of unusual ideas which ultimate engulf the entire nation when a social trend catches on. Now the latest fad in Japan that seems to be keeping youngsters busy and out of mischief is making super-shiny aluminum balls made simply from aluminum foil. In fact, the ball that looks like metal once its finished is actually incredible.

1Balls of aluminum

It all started when one Japanese man crafted custom jewelry out of aluminum foil. He took a crumpled up ball of aluminum foil and beat it to perfection. He then posted it on social media which went viral and now it is the rage in Japan and almost a movement in the country. 

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2Here’s how he started

No one could ever contemplate creating something like this from aluminum. Aluminum foil as we all know is only meant for packaging, wrapping and insulation or baking. But you can use it for creative purposes too. 

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3No purpose but they are a rage

These Shiny balls of aluminum don’t exactly have any useful purpose but it is the procedure of creating something so perfect from crumpled aluminum that is the focal point of interest and which has made youngsters obsessed in Japan.

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4First lots and lots of aluminum

The process of the Japanese aluminum ball requires a 16 meters of aluminum foil which you first need to crumple up into a ball. 

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5Compress the aluminum into a ball

The ball should then look like this after fully compressed. 

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6Then hammer at will

Then you have to hammer it like you want to abuse it. Perhaps this is a good de-stressing activity and the more you hammer the better. 

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7It takes a lot of determination

If you want to embark on this exercise you must be committed.

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8And lots of patience

It will take a lot of patience polishing and hammering constantly polishing it. 

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9It may be tedious

The task itself may look tedious because it might even make you bored off depending on your nature to remain preoccupied with mundane things. 

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10But just keep on

By now if you are wondering what is making the Japanese so obsessed over a shiny ball, then perhaps it’s the act of creating that perfected metal ball from crumpled aluminium is like an obsession and Japanese are obsessed over perfection.

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11When it is finished

The task will most probably finish after a million repeats of hammering and polishing but to get it perfectly round you may have to keep on hitting and polishing till the curvature is accurate and perfect ball-shaped.


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12The final product

This is what the finished ball should actually look like and if you loved such things when young then you’ll understand the joy of having something like this. It’s much like having that perfect marble for your knick-knack collection. 

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13The Japanese are in love with it

This DIY craftsmanship project has flooded Japanese media who is now tutoring people how to do it with video tutorials. They seem to love it and have all come up with different versions of the ball. 

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14Some are ultra perfect

With their quest for perfection, some Japanese have managed to make the ball so perfect that it’s hard to believe that something like that could have been made from aluminum foil. It is remarkable. 

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15Many innovative versions

Although the process is similar everyone is coming up with their own version and it is looking beautiful. And to think it was made from a roll of aluminum foil.

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16Watch the video

By the now you may be highly interested how to make the Japanese aluminum ball which is like a work of art which is almost like a sculpture. So here is the video DIY. Perhaps the reason for this task is the immense satisfaction it gives you to create something so incredibly perfect from almost nothing. 

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