16 Interesting And Unusual Things Most Women Don’t Know About Their Bodies

By Andrew Alpin, 3 January 2018

7Women distinguish colors better than men

The chromatic sensitivity in women is directly linked to the X chromosome. A study at Brooklyn college found that women discriminated among colors better than men.  Researchers believed that males need a longer light wavelength than females to identify the same shade of color.

Image source: www.simplemost.com

8Women blink twice as much as men

Women blink 14.9 times a minute in comparison to men who blink 14.5 times. This is due to the high oestrogen levels that stimulate lubricant production including in the eyes. Women who take oestrogen birth control pills blink at an average of 19.6 times a minute. Contraceptive pills affect the lenticular nucleus which is the brain’s center for involuntary blinking.

Image source: www.huffingtonpost.com

9A Woman’s skin is 10 times more sensitive than a man’s

A study in the journal of neurosciences found that the differences in the fingers of men and women allowed women to be more sensitive to touch than men.  Women were able to differentiate finer surface details than men.

Image source: www.pinterest.co.uk

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