This is no surprise that a man’s hair will be coarser than a woman’s. Hair diameter also varies in averages according to races. While males also have more terminal hair on their bodies, women have what is called vellus hair on their bodies which are smaller and less visible.
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Yes!! Women burn fat slower by 50kcal a day in comparison to men. Women have 8 to 10% more body fat than men whose resting metabolic rate is 10% higher than women. The reason for this difference is because men have metabolically more active muscle and because of lean body mass, men burn 20% calories more at rest. The best way to boost up a sluggish metabolism is by building more muscle through resistance training and building up more lean body mass. This also helps you burn more calories while sleeping.
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Research at Yale University found that women have more taste buds than men. #5% of women can call themselves supertasters in comparison to 15% of men. This also means women can identify flavors like sweet, sour and bitter better than men. Women also have a greater ability to identify sweeter tastes than men.
A Danish study researching the sense of taste between primary and secondary school children through analysis of their food preferences found that girl recognized tastes better than boys.
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