Incredible NatGeo Infographic Charts from the Past That Will Surely Teach You a Thing or Two about Life

By Andrew Alpin, 24 March 2017

National Geographic from time immemorial has always enthralled us with its unique brand of science and information. The older generation especially can remember how many would look forward to the issue of NG with its personal brand of picturesque reporting. Now brought to you are graphic images made famous by past issues of NatGeo. From history to physics, many of these Natgeo infographics may be even familiar so read and enjoy the trivia. Just press CTRL and + to zoom or click on the zoom icon on your browser bar to take a closer look at the images.

1 When Volcanoes ruled the Earth, August 1985

An infographic depicting when volcanoes ruled 4 billion years ago. Between us and the existence of life there is a gap of approximately 1 billion years.

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2 World of flowers, May 1968

Tulips are from Turkey and of course marigolds from Mexico. An image from the article the world of flowers, May 1968.

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3 The core of Jupiter, July 1975

Earth could easily fit inside the core of Jupiter with room to spare. As you can see, Jupiter is mainly liquid hydrogen which NASA says is the fuel of the future.

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4 The power of a dog’s nose, June 2014

From the issue of June 2014 depicting how a dog has the ability to smell five times per second which is pretty powerful. It is also said that a dog can smell its owner coming a mile away.

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5 Mechanics of an Avalanche, September 1982

When snow layers in a certain way, it results in an avalanche which is what the image explains from the issue of September 1982.

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6 The Mercury Project, July 1960

Remember the movie Hidden Figures?? Well, this was the project those brilliant women worked from between 1958 to 1963. Taken from the issue of July 1960 now that’s a real long time.

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7 One of the largest trees in the world, June 2007

The third largest tree to be precise was name the President. It was a giant sequoia reaching upto 247 feet. Besides this image which appeared in June 2007, there are several online pics of this tree on Instagram verifying that Mr. President is almost 3200 years old.

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8 The five big daddies of cancer, October 2011

The five largest cancers with the highest fatality rates are prostate, breast, pancreatic lung and colorectal cancer.

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9 The Spectacled Finch, November 2010

A report on the Audobon society backyard bird count which depicts the spectacle finch as the least reported bird. The image is from November 2010.

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10 The brain in slumber, May 2010

A great NatGeo infographics depicting the Brain in Slumber. Light or daylight stimulates a wake-up call in your brain telling you it's time to awake. This function is enabled by special retina cells. Moreover, you’ll be surprised at the various stages the brain goes through when in slumber such as REM or non-REM sleep.

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11 Pyramid Power, January 1995

The graphic actually takes you inside the great pyramid at Giza and Pharaoh’s tomb.

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12 The Odds of dying, August 2006

Now this is a depressing NatGeo infographics. Why you would present the odds of dying in any way. But it is science even though it’s a morbid one at that.

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