Immigrant Is Rudely Rejected From a Job Application, So His Daughter Made HR Pay for It

By Andrew Alpin, 31 May 2018

9Discrimination is increasing

The nasty email of Peterson has opened up a debate at the right time where most immigrants in the US are being targeted and discriminated against. This is an unfortunate development that is steadily growing in recent years.

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10The HR manager was sacked

Peterson’s company also received a lot of negative publicity which did not go well with the establishment who promptly sacked Peterson from his post. They wanted to make a point that they do not tolerate discrimination of any kind.


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11Twitterati’s heartwarming response

What’s most heartwarming is the fact that Emily and her father received a heartwarming response from twitter and several businessmen also offered him a job. That was truly a beautiful gesture to show that all is not lost and America is still a great nation as the right sort of people also exist.

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12They hold no grudges

Emily has also updated the community on Twitter that her father has not harbored any grudges and though they had enough reason to press charges for discrimination, they chose not to confront Peterson.


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13Minh has started teaching himself English

To improve himself, minh has started a notebook which Emily shared on twitter. He teaches himself several keywords often used when applying for a job. It goes to show who was the better man here.

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