Stories Of Kids Having Imaginary Friends Are Not New; Here Are Few Real Ones

By Ashish Ranjan, 19 January 2018

8A visit from Grandpa

The was a young kid who used to tell her mother that there is an old person who visits her every night and put a sign of the cross on her forehead. The mother later found that her father-in-law used to do the same thing to his husband when he used to be a kid. After that, the girl also pointed to picture of her grandfather saying that this was the man who visits her every night.

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9The Reverse Abraham

Everyone would be knowing the tale of Abraham mentioned in the Bible. In the story, the God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son for God’s glory. Abraham was not in doubts and he decided to do it. As and when, he was about to kill his son, the God stops him and said that he is a worthy follower. Now, there is a kid who says that he talks to angels many times. Once his mother heard him saying that “I can’t kill him! He is only my dad!”

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10When The Kid Is Scary

There was a kid who talked about him not having an imaginary friend but instead, her mother was having one when she was young. This kid said that her mother was having an imaginary friend when she was young and she chopped him up and put him in the fridge. This is really scary. The child can sometimes become very scary. 

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