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Is There A Huge Ancient City Hidden Deep Within The Grand Canyon?

By Andrew Alpin, 18 January 2018

Did Egyptians and Southeast Asian cultures visit the United States and inhabit areas beneath the Grand Canyon? Sounds like a stupid question by those wanting to put forth a conspiracy theory just to attract attention?? Not really because when you read the story behind this question, you are going to be surprised because a newspaper report in 1909 described how an American archaeologist who claimed to be working for the Smithsonian discovered a virtual cave city beneath the Grand Canyon. 

1Who were professors Kincaid and Jordan

Professors S. A. Jordan and G.E. Kincaid recounted their fantastic expedition of the Grand Canyon in which they found proof of hundreds of caves existing as if like mini hotel rooms. They also found several artifacts in the marble region of the Grand Canyon and spoke at length about their find in an interview to the Arizona gazette which published the story on April 5th 1909. They claimed they were archaeologists for the Smithsonian who had funded the expedition in 1909. Who were Kincaid and Jordan? Mixed opinions exist in the archaeologist word where some doubt if they existed. The Smithsonian denies any association with the duo saying they never existed.

Who were professors Kincaid and Jordan

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2A multiple cave type city deep in the Grand Canyon

There are many in the archaeological world who believes that Kincaid and Jordan indeed found something bizarre and remarkable in what is being touted as one of the greatest finds in recent American history. The discovery provided conclusive proof of a mysterious race of presumably oriental or Egyptian origin that created a city hewn deep into the rock by human hands.

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3Tablets and strange hieroglyphics were discovered

The duo even found tablets bearing strange hieroglyphics and it is widely regarded that if these hieroglyphics can be translated, then it will provide basis for theories that can solve the mystery of people of prehistoric America. America will be linked to Egypt and the Nile and at a later date to people of Asian origin.

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4A Thorough Investigation

Part of the report read that the institute has funded the exploration which journeyed as much as 1480 feet below the surface of the canyon where lengthy passages were found leading to mammoth chambers, intricate passageways as if like roads of a city and several hundred rooms which were reached by the passages. One of the passages was explored for 854 feet while another for 634 feet.

The rooms that Kincaid entered were just about the size of living rooms of today and could be accessed by oval shaped doors. They were also ventilated by rounded air spaces through the walls that ran into the passages. Each wall was three feet and six inch in thickness.

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5Artifacts suggesting an Egyptian race

The canyon itself is perilous for traveling being 277 miles long and 18 miles wide. The deepest points of the canyon are almost 6000 feet and geologists regard the canyon to be 5 to 6 millions of years old. Kincaid’s discovery site was roughly 42 miles from the El Tovar Crystal canyon as published in the Arizona Gazette where the first cave’s entrance was 1500 feet down a cliff. Artifacts found in the caves included weapons and copper instruments.

Ancient tablets of hieroglyphics were also discovered adorning the rooms. This was proof of an Egyptian type race that presumably inhabited the caves. Even urns containing copper and gold were found.  Urns, as well as walls, were carved with the sane hieroglyphics as the tables.

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6Male Mummies

In one of the chambers, Mummies were also found covered in clay and wrapped in bark and some type of fabric. All the mummies turned out to be male and there were no children or female. The archaeologists presumed the area in which the mummies were found to be the external caves and served as a warrior’s barracks.

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7A Buddha-like statue

The biggest mystery was the discovery of a large Buddha-like statue found in one of the caves that suggested the inhabitants at one time were also of Asian origin. The statue was a large one and was seated on a lotus clutching what appeared to be a lotus flower or lily in each hand. Kincaid remarked that it appeared to be a Buddha-like statue similar to the ones worshipped in a Tibet, Kincaids report read

"Over a hundred feet from the entrance is the cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which are found the idol, or image, of the people's god, sitting cross-legged, with a lotus flower or lily in each hand. The cast of the face is oriental, and the carving this cavern. The idol almost resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it represents.” He goes on to say that surrounding the idol were smaller idols some of which were extremely beautiful and some distorted and symbolical of good and evil.

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8Caves were huge

The intrinsic network of caves were so large, they could easily fit 50,000 people. It was Kincaid who made the earlier expedition followed by Jordan and a team of 40 archaeologists after artifacts were sent to the Smithsonian.

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9A cover up or hoax

However, when members of the world explorers club contacted the Smithsonian to check out the story, the first thing a staff member told them was that no Egyptian artifact was ever discovered in America. The Smithsonian denied all association with the event and there is no record of Kincaid or Jordan in the archives.

No one really knows what happen to Kincaid or Jordan but if their story one day turns out to be true. It will redefine the history of America and speak a lot about the sea faring abilities of the Egyptians and the Asians.

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10The Smithsonian denied everything

Conspiracy theorist John Rhodes claims to know the exact location of Kincaid and Jordan which is guarded by a lone gun bearing Soldier. Other conspiracy theorists claim that the Smithsonian hushed up the whole episode and even destroyed the artifacts just to maintain their own historical viewpoint.

Many theorists also recall to mind when manmade walls of plaster mounds were discovered in the American Midwest and fire hewn coffins were found in Alabama in 1892 and which were also turned over to the Smithsonian and which of course were again lost subsequent years.

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11The Arizona Gazette, the only evidence

 The only evidence till date is the story published in the Arizona Gazette which mentioned how Kincaid made it to Yuma traveling through the canyon on the river Colorado. However, the biggest questionable issue with this whole story is that Kincaid was reported to be an avid photographer and yet no photographs exist of this incident like the hidden city Grand Canyon.

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12The tradition of the Hopis

The Hopi Indians believed that their ancestors once lived in the underworld of the Grand Canyon ruled by the chief named machete. They consisted of people with one heart and two hearts. Dissent among themselves resulted in those with one heart being expelled from the underworld who came up to the surface and loved by the Colorado growing grain and corn.  A messenger was sent out from them to the temple of the sun for blessings of peace and goodwill and rain for their crops, the messenger never returned. Even today old aged Hopi follow the tradition of gazing out into the sunset to look for the messenger as they believe when he returns; their lands will be restored to them

Among engravings of animals found in the caves was the image of a heart over the spot where it was located. The tradition was recorded by artist W.E Rollins who lived with the Hopi for a year.

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13Fact or fiction

Whether fact or fiction is a matter of choice. There are several controversies that have their own for and against theories and this too gained popularity on the basis of a newspaper report. Who knows what lurks deep down in the Grand Canyon?

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