As a female, there is no greater gift you can give to your species than life. A woman, wife or mother when pregnant glows with the happiness of new life growing inside of her and it is no different with animals. Animals too are just as proud and protective when they are pregnant. It is an instinct with them knowing that this is the time they have babies growing inside them and so they take special care of themselves. Here are some cute pictures of animals when pregnant.
This photograph was uploaded to a social platform and the hedgehog's name is Gemini. Hedgehog, unlike other mammals, give only one large baby instead of a litter. They remain pregnant for at least 7 months.
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This Orangutan hails from Southern California and is feeling the heat being pregnant in summer. The gestation period of Orangutan is around 8 months. They too will also give one baby as primates are similar to humans when it comes to birth.
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This guinea pig really looks cute and like a large ball. Its owner reported after this picture she posted on Imgur that the furry gal gave birth to five babies two days later. Guinea pigs stay pregnant for up to 72 days.
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Now, this is one heavily pregnant zebra that is 390 days pregnant. In Africa, zebras give birth after 12 to 13 moths and a foal is born with brown and white stripes that turn black and white later. The rainy season is when most zebras deliver their babies.
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This feline doesn’t look at all happy being pregnant because she looks a bit grumpy. By the absence of fur, this looks like a sphinx cat and isn’t a very young one at that. Perhaps she is grumpy at getting knocked up again and going through the whole cycle of delivering babies.
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Now that’s a proud mommy. A pregnant lioness will be pregnant for at least 110 days after which she will deliver at least 2-4 cubs. These two look pretty cool walking together. Once three years old, their males babies will leave the parents.
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Now this tiger looks well and truly pregnant as you can see from her size. Tigers gestate for upto 3.5 months and this female is definitely in the last stages of pregnancy as Tigers only show a bulge in the last 10 days of pregnancy. They may deliver between 1 -7 cubs.
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Wow! Imagine seeing pregnant sea horses and this is what they look like. But did you know that it is the male sea horse that carries the young till birth. A female seahorse lays about 1500 eggs in the male’s pouch who will carry them for about 9-45 days.
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Here is an x ray of a turtle’s stomach with eggs in them. Turtles may hold on to their eggs from anything between 7 weeks to two years however the incubation period of the eggs is about 60 days. The main nesting months are from May to October.
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Well, it’s fairly easy to understand how fish deliver babies. If you have kept an aquarium you will know they lay eggs on the surface of the water that looks like frothy bubbles. This is a picture of a guppie whose babies will be born after 30 days. She may have one or two or even two hundred at a time.
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Well, not a very pretty sight but then you have to view it from a different perspective. To every father a pregnant female will alwys look beautiful so others can take a hoot. The gestation period of goats is about 150 days.
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Now, this is one healthy and very pregnant leopard. Leopards stay pregnant for almost 106 days and will deliver a litter of about two cubs. Sometimes that number can go upto six but that’s quite a handful.
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Mountain goats are so fit that they are hardly bothered by their pregnancy. The best thing about mountain goats is that the male will follow the female wherever she goes to protect her from attacks or any external threat.
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It’s difficult to see when a pig is pregnant because they look pregnant period! A gestating pig will remain pregnant for about three weeks after which she will deliver her babies. In fact, she will be ready to deliver again just 5-7 days after the babies are weaned.
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This sloth mama looks like she isn’t handling her pregnancy very well and seems all tired out. Two toed sloths live in tree canopies and have gestational periods of six months when they may produce only one young.
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This is a transparent glass frog which is considered a new species. The skin is so transparent that you can even see her organs and the fact that she is pregnant too. Glass frogs are a rare breed and exist in the forests of Central America.
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Now hats a lovely looking squirrel that is healthy and pregnant. Squirrels depending on their species, take up to 45 days to gestate after which about 3 to 4 hairless rat type babies will be born. This mama seems to know that she is supposed to eat.
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As the tallest land animal in the world, Giraffes really need to have strong legs to carry their weight and imagine when one is pregnant; life truly becomes a mission impossible. Giraffes will gestate for 15 months after which one baby will be born.
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Obviously, they can or else who will they give babies. Snakes actually reproduce either of two ways, by giving live birth or laying eggs. They will either lay their eggs in a safe place or carry them till the young are ready to come out.
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Believe it or not Australian lizards suffer horrible pregnancies where they have to hold really big infants without swelling or extra body space. It’s the equivalent of a woman giving birth to a seven-year-old child. However, this is an image of a gecko who lays eggs every 15-22 days over a five-month period.
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Now, this looks like a truly beautiful pregnant pony. Ponies carry their babies for approximately 11 months. They will then deliver one foal after that. This one, of course, has a lovely color and her mane too looks extremely healthy.
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That’s definitely what no human mom will want to be in. Imagine being all bulky and heavy like that for almost 2 years. That’s no joke. Yet Elephants do carry their babies in that condition and deserve huge respect.
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Cows look truly bulky sideways when pregnant. While cows carry their young in their bellies for 283 days approximately, those carrying bull calves will have a longer gestational period. It’s sad that in many commercial dairies, calves are sometimes separated from the mother at birth.
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