9 Hormones That Cause Weight Gain And Ways to Avoid It

By Andrew Alpin, 4 June 2018


This is the hormone responsible for regulation of energy by reducing hunger. Consuming a high sugar diet results in excess fructose that is then converted to fat which is stored in the stomach, liver and various pockets of the body. The fat cells then secrete leptin. With more leptin being secreted the body loses its sensitivity to the hormone and then your brain will stop receiving the signal from leptin to stop eating. This causes weight gain.

How to prevent it

Decrease high sugar foods from your diet or avoid them completely. Eat just 3 serving of fruit a day and consume more leafy greens and veggies. Stop all processed food and get at least 7-8 hours sleep daily.

Image Source: www.rd.com


Just opposite of Leptin, ghrelin is secreted in the stomach and is also called the hunger hormone. It increases appetite as well as fat deposits in the body. When you fast or are placed on a diet, your ghrelin levels may increase the response of the body requiring food.

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How to avoid it

You need to exercise frequently. Eat small quantities of food every 2-3 hours because large gaps may cause an increase in ghrelin resulting in your wanting to eat too much at a time. Drink 1.5 cups of water at least 20-30 minutes before a meal. Consume more fresh veggies, fruits, and protein-rich foods.

Image Source: authoritynutrition.com


This is the sleep hormone responsible for regulating your body clock in respect to waking and sleeping. When it is thrown out of gear, you could get insomnia resulting in inflammation and weight gain. This is because when sleeping the body is regenerating itself by releasing growth hormone for healing, improvement of body composition and building of lean muscle.

Image Source: files.5funfacts.com

How to prevent it

Stop late night snacking. Go to bed on time and get adequate sleep. Always keep your room dark and cool as melatonin responds to day and light heralding the time to sleep as it runs dark. Light decreases melatonin production. Turn off all electrical gadgets before you sleep.

Image Source: www.cherrytreeshutters.co.uk

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