11 Ways Your Handwriting Can Reveal Your True Personality

By Andrew Alpin, 11 April 2018

5Lower Zone

Slender looped Y: Now people who use slender looped “y” in their lower zone are very fussy while choosing a friend as they have trust issues and have very few friends. Broad Looped Y: While people writing with broad looped “y” have many finds, are extroverts and are the life of a party. Long Looped Y: Similarly, long looped “y” means you are an adventurer and love to travel, Short looped Y: it means you are an indoor kind of person who loves a snug and comfortable domestic setting or simply put, you love being home. 

Image Source: www.shared.com

6Connection of Letters

If you have the habit of connecting your letters and write in a flow, it shows you are rational and decisive by nature, while if you are the kind of person who writes disconnected letters, it reflects the intuitive and highly intelligent aspect of your personality.


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7Dots on the 'I”

If you love to put large circles on your ‘I’, it reflects you are still childish and have an artistic temperament. Also, you do not believe in blending in with the crowd but rather stand out and are proud of your individuality. Meanwhile, a small dot means you are perfectionist and love to follow rules and are a stickler to order and routine. 

Image Source: www.shared.com

8Cross on the 'T'

It’s a bit stereotypical, as a high cross on your ‘t’ means you are ambitious and have high self-confidence, while a low cross “T” means you could be ridden with insecurities and have self-doubt and typically have low aims in life. 

Image Source: www.shared.com

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