Dehydration and estrogen deficiency are two common causes of dry hands. This is also associated with menopause. One can avoid such conditions by applying moisturizers and including fish, seeds and nuts into the diet. Your doctor should be also consulted for hormonal replacement therapy.
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Shaking hands are a usual sign of medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. You should consult a doctor when such things occur for long periods of time. Reduce coffee and alcohol intake as they too cause neurological symptoms like trembling hands. Stress and anxiety are also the cause of trembling hands.
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When you have weak or cracked nails, this could be caused by a zinc deficiency. Your body needs zinc as an important mineral essential for healing wounds, cell division, and strong immunity. You can eat more foods rich in zinc like nuts, oats, chicken, meat, beans and mushrooms. Consult with your doctor for a zinc supplement if you do have zinc deficiency.
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When your fingers start to look like a drumstick and there is a bulbous type of end at the nail and the finger, then this is most probably an indication of oxygen deficiency or a serious condition such as heart or lung disease. The condition is known as clubbing and warrants immediate medical attention and advice.
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If you find that your nails are cracking or chipping, then it indicates a zinc deficiency. Zinc promotes skin cell growth and regeneration. You can add zinc-rich foods to your diet such as wheat germ, oats, meat and nuts.
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