Grammar Nazi Tries Trolling And Correcting Mark Hamill On Twitter But The Star’s Reply Is Truly Classic

By Andrew Alpin, 24 January 2018

4Trolled for no reason

This was when another user tweeted back suggesting that Hamill used the word “your” in the wrong context and it should be you’re (You are). It is a bit absurd to think that someone lacks the intelligence to distinguish between your and you’re. Hamill had obviously written the right thing and the troll seemed to have put his foot in his mouth.

'You're,' the user wrote, suggesting that Mark had used the wrong word in his original message. 'Damn #AutoCorrect.'

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5Hamill hit back with a grammar lesson

Hamill of course was having none of it and decided to teach him an online grammar lesson. Hamill showed that he wasn’t just a Jedi master but a grammar master as well. The Star Wars legend was applauded after shutting down the stupid troll who must be sheepishly hiding at home not venturing out as his friends to would no doubt be making fun of him after seeing such stupidity.

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6Hammil’s reply

Hamill’s reply was direct and to the point where he tweeted “'Welcome to Grammar Class, kids!' he wrote. ‘Don’t blame auto-correct: "Your" ...performance is correct. NOT "You're"...(you are)...performance.'

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