This family deserves credit for adopting an animal which means that is one life saved. Here is the reaction to the little feline’s first toy. She seems mighty pleased.
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All dogs love being praised but this guy seems to have a smirk on his face as if to say “I know what you’re going to say”!
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This is a classic look that some pets will give you, especially which makes it seem as if they actually know something and hence the sarcastic look.
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Why invest in a water thermometer to test the water when you can have your pet do it for you as a natural thing. That was a joke and no we don’t suggest you put your kitty’s tail in hot water.
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This is what the result may look like although over here there doesn’t seem to be much difference
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It seems that this pet owner was about to tweet a photo of her dog giving a judgmental look when the photo reminded her of someone else. Naturally, Snoop Dogg!!
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