Forget About Other Remedies: Here’s How You Can Remove Warts and Skin Tags Permanently

By Andrew Alpin, 15 May 2022

8 Rub a Banana Peel on top of them

A banana peel is all you’ll need to execute this method. Gently massage the wart or skin tag with the banana peel for a few minutes each day. You’ll see effects sooner if you perform it several times a day, even if it takes weeks. The enzymes in banana peels have healing and rejuvenating properties, which is why the banana peel treatment works. Additionally, it has the potential to remove skin tags by drying them out.

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9 Use Castor Oil

Warts and skin tags can be removed using this procedure, although it can take several weeks. Apply the castor oil to the afflicted region and allow it to dry naturally. Castor oil contains antiviral and antioxidant characteristics that can eliminate these skin conditions for good if you do this several times a day.

After eliminating warts and skin tags, there is a possibility of infection. Bacteria can cause problems if they get into the region. Despite the rarity, it’s always better to be safe by taking precautions like- keeping the area from which the wart or skin tag was removed clean and free of bacteria until it’s healed completely. Aloe Vera juice or tea tree oil can also be used as an antiseptic.

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10 Apply Vitamin E on skin tags

Skin tags can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging. Antioxidants can aid in the removal of these free radicals and the prevention of new ones from generating. As an antioxidant, Vitamin E is the ideal therapy for getting rid of them. Apply the Vitamin E oil to the afflicted region every day until the growth is gone. It should disappear within a few days.

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