Forget About Other Remedies: Here’s How You Can Remove Warts and Skin Tags Permanently

By Andrew Alpin, 15 May 2022

4 Using Tea Tree Oil

Only a few drops of tea tree oil and two tablespoons of water are required for this method. You’ll need to combine the oil and water, then apply it to the raised skin and allow it to dry. When your skin is clear and smooth again, repeat this procedure around five times a day. Alternatively, you can even do it once a day and cover the wound with a band-aid each time.

The tea tree oil will fight germs, viruses, and fungi while removing undesirable warts or skin tags from the body. While it is safe to use on any part of the body, it should not be used near or around your eye area.

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5 Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

You’ll need a few things, including a band-aid and some apple cider vinegar. Put the cotton pad soaked in apple cider vinegar on top of the wart or skin tag and let it remain on for a few minutes. Use a band-aid to keep the cotton pad in place as you sleep.

Remove the cotton pad in the morning. Do this every night before you go to sleep, and you’ll see improvements in a week. Apple cider vinegar’s acid destroys elevated skin tissue, causing it to fall off or dissolve.

There are many alternate ways to remove warts and skin tags using this method. For instance, you can leave the cotton pad attached for around 30 minutes. Although it may take a few weeks to see results, this method works. You could also leave it on for 10 minutes at a time but repeat the process several times throughout the day.

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6 Use Garlic

Garlic cloves are all you’ll need for this procedure. Apply the crushed cloves to the affected region and leave them on for at least one night. As a result of garlic’s ability to combat many microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, this method is sure to work. You can also use garlic pills to get rid of warts and other skin problems. You won’t smell like garlic every day, but it may not work as fast as you might expect.

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7 Apply a mixture of Baking Soda

Skin tags and warts removal is made easier by destroying their structural integrity. This method exfoliates and dries out the affected skin naturally. Add four tablespoons of baking soda into a big basin of water. Next, immerse the affected area of your skin in the basin and let it soak for 30 minutes. Let your hand or foot air dry after removing it from the basin. Baking soda has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antibacterial qualities, making it one of the many natural ways to remove warts and skin tags.

There are other alternative ways you can use baking soda if your wart or skin tag is on a different part of your body. Mix water and baking soda together to form a paste and apply it to the affected parts. After 30 minutes, wipe off the paste with a damp cloth.

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