How Food Products Can Change Your Face and Skin: Which Face Are You?

By Andrew Alpin, 12 May 2017

Could it be possible that your face reflects what you eat? Can foods change your face and looks? While many may dismiss this as crap, there’s a lot of logic in saying diet does impact your skin and facial looks. Why does alcohol make some people flushed and red, why do processed, junk and oily foods cause acne? The problem with doctors and dermatologists is that while they are important in the larger scope of healing, they won’t admit certain things until of course medication doesn’t work and you’re forced to try out something new and voila it may work.

While certain tips that advise you to try new chemical based treatments aren’t considered advisable as your doc is the main deciding authority, it doesn’t hurt to try out alternate natural remedies and tips which won’t cause side effects such as giving up certain food products that change your face beyond recognition perhaps. So before you reach for a cookie or a fat slab of chocolate or even that extra glass of wine, consider reading this on how certain foods change your face and what you can do about it.

1 What gives you the WINE FACE?

Wine contains sulfides, pesticides and a good amount of sugar. This makes the alcohol dehydrate you resulting in your body losing water. The load on your liver is increased and this may result in a digestion fail the next day. This is why your skin looks red and wrinkly. It also results in lose hanging skin. Alcohol abuse has a negative impact on your healthy gut bacteria lining your gastrointestinal tract and also causes disease.

Stop boozing for at least 3 weeks, yes that statement may warrant several comments but it’s your health in question here. When abstaining from alcohol for 3 weeks, your skin recovers whch also means you can get back to your boozing habits but in moderation to the tune of 80-20. Just consume a glass or two in only 20% of the cases where you may be in a position to drink but refuse or avoid drinking alcohol in 80% of cases.

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2 What gives you MILK FACE?

Did you know that milk when added to your coffee or an extra bowl of ice cream may impact your skin color? Although you may not be lactose intolerant, your lactose metabolizing enzymes reduce with age. This can trigger conditions of inflammation over your body and face. If your face suddenly appears swollen and sleepy along with wrinkling of your skin then give up on dairy products for at least two to three weeks and observe the difference.

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3 What gives you Sugar Face?

You don’t need anyone to tell you how sugar increases weight and abdominal fat. But!! It affects skin too. Too much sugar in your diet increases a process called glycation where excess glucose interacts with collagen damaging it and making it rigid. This means skin loses its radiance and elasticity making it appears wrinkled. This condition also increases skin ageing and disrupts skin pigmentation.

The best possible way to preserves the health of your skin is reduce your sugar intake drastically or give it up altogether.

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4 What give you Gluten Face?

Acne on your forehead and cheeks, swollen face and cheeks, cheeks red and flushed, all these are indicators of gluten intolerance. It means your body has difficulty in metabolizing gluten which is a protein contained in grains and cereals like oats, rye, barley and even drinks made from these products like Beer, whiskey, Vodka etc. Confused!! Because you thought grains and cereals are healthy?? Well they may be so but just as long as you are gluten tolerant.

You will only know if you are gluten intolerant when you reduce or eliminate these items from your diet for at least 3 weeks and observe the changes in your skin. If the symptoms continue, it could indicate intolerance of something else so reduce your simple carbs and baked foods. If your symptoms disappear, then you know what to do with your diet. No gluten!! Now you know how foods change your face, you can do something about it. What have you got to lose?

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