11 Questions That Psychologists And Divorce Lawyers Recommend Asking On a First Date

By Andrew Alpin, 26 April 2018

7What was your worst date? Tell me about it

If you feel that you have finally met your match, this question can really show how much they are at ease with you to be ready to share their embarrassing moments. On the other hand, you can get to know whether this date is going smoothly and different from your date’s possible nightmarish dating experiences. You can also get to know if you both have gelled together truly.

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8How did your last relationships end?

Carla Donnelly advocates asking this question. This is a crucial question for the first date as it will reveal the nature of your would be partner clearly. It would show whether they blame everyone and everything else in their lives life for their misfortunes or do they admit to their own mistakes. Some may tend to put the entire blame on their exes without accepting any wrongdoing on their part. Not owning up mistakes is indicative of a person’s type of personality growth. It’s a dangerous red flag indeed.

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9If you won a lottery of $20 million, what would you do with the money?

According to Family psychologist Jeannie Ingram, such a question can reveal the values of a person. Being together means creating a family of your own with equal financial contribution. At this stage, it’s very necessary to know whether the person is selfish about their money or considers the concept of (our money). Do they like buying flashy cars and going on swanky holidays, splurging on designer labels or do they show a tendency to invest and save.

A person indicating that they prefer smart savings or investments on the health of parents or buying property etc shows a level head on one’s shoulders and that they think about a secure future.

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10How do you like spending your free time?

This will reveal a lot about your partner’s likes and dislikes. It is very important to be compatible where activity is concerned. If your partner is one to call friends over every day and every evening is party time, you as a person who loves a quieter life would definitely be out of place. While socializing to an extent is good, couples spending quite moments in each other’s company relaxing at home is great for a compatible relationship.

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11In what way would you like to be remembered? When you are old and think about how your life has passed?

According to Aaron Anderson, a family psychologist from Denver, this question reveals what’s in your date’s mind without even having to question them.

This question safely steers you away from banalities of useless conversation and lets you peep into the inner thought process and aspirations of your partner. This will reveal the real personality of the partner as well give you a peep into their vulnerabilities which would automatically create a bond between you too.

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