A spokesman for the company said that they know how difficult it is for Steven’s family and also insisted that the insurance company was assisting him in his recovery. They also insist that although Steven’s policy is dated and does not cover cardiac arrest, the company has made up in payment due to the income the family lost all this while, as they couldn’t work.
Image Source: cdn4.iconfinder.com
Do you know that some insurance companies won’t pay you back if your house was broken in by the burglar if he enters by picking a lock, and not by breaking a window? Nowadays, drivers are not being paid the insurance payout if their cars are stolen by con men, or people posing as customers.
Image Source: meta.mk
People on vacation, or those who are travelling often take out a traveler’s insurance. But the companies are now researching their clients’ medical past and even a minor visit to the local physician is being brought up so that they can be used to reject medical claims. Some travellers who have had wine or alcohol and then injured themselves are being refused insurance payouts.
Image Source: www.meyerre.com
Financial experts say that it is insane for all customers, to be aware of all these crucial clauses. After all a glass of wine on a vacation is a perfectly natural thing. Who knew it could cost somebody their insurance money in case of emergencies? Did you know that some home insurance policy’s terms are longer than 40,000 words and customers are actually expected to read all of it.
Image Source: www.kiplinger.com
It is unethical for insurance companies to expect regular people to be so well-read on their terms and policies. Anybody can have a heart attack or a stroke, and would obviously seek their insurance money and in that scenario, the refusal to pay money can cost them.
Image Source: www.usnews.com