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15 Facts That Totally Sound Fake But Are True

By Shaiqa Bushra, 27 June 2018

9Alaska is the most northern, eastern and western state in the US

Alaska has its stretch up to the edge of Western Hemisphere where it lies at the 180 degrees of longitude and it also lies across into the Eastern Hemisphere. Also, it is pretty obvious that it is the most northern state in the US. The state of Hawaii is the only exempt one. It is the most southern state in the US.

Alaska is the most northern


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10The Lake Baikal in Russia has 23% of all the freshwater in the world

Talking about water, you would be amazed to know that water covers 71% of the Earth’s surface. Out of which 97% is salty and is present in the seas, oceans or even as salty groundwater. The rest i.e. only 3%, is actually fresh water. Out of the 3% available, approximately 2% lies frozen i.e. as snow or glaciers. Around 0.75% lies in the soil as moisture and as fresh groundwater. Less than 0.01% lies in swamps, rivers, and lakes.

Of the relatively small percentage of freshwater when compared to the total water available in the world, 23% of it lies in a single lake, The Lake Baikal. Mind-blowing, isn’t it? The water content is even more than the Great Lakes in North America combined. Stunning!

Lake Baikal in Russia


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11Honey never expires

Honey has a perfect chemical composition which makes it good for consumption throughout its lifespan. The structure of honey is such that no organisms can live in it. And even a 1000-year-old honey bottle is perfectly edible today.


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12Your DNA can take you to the moon

Deoxyribonucleic Acid, commonly known as DNA has genes for the growth and functioning of a human being. It is a spiral coiled thread that is present in the nucleus of every human being. We have about 10 trillion cells in our body and when stretched, they can reach as far as 744 million miles. Moon is only 0.25 million miles away from us and DNA can stretch to the moon and back almost 1500 times. Terrific.


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