20 Facts You Must Know About Attila The Hun

By KK Angus, 14 February 2018

11His second marriage

Attila’s most famous wife, however, was the beautiful Ildico. After his successful invasion of Italy, Attila married Ildico, who was also his last wife.

Image Source: www.taringa.net

12His death

Attila died on his wedding night - due to severe nosebleed. Records show that after his nuptials to Ildico, he ate and drank excessively, and died the same night in his bed. His corpse was found the next morning, as Ildico wept at his feet.

Image Source: www.ancient-origins.es


Attila had six sons - Csaba, Ellac, Ernak, Dengizich, Erp and Eitil. After his death, the Hunnic empire was inherited by Ellac, Ernak and Dengizich, as they were deemed most worthy.

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14Collapse of the Huns

Attila’s sons were sadly not even half as ambitious or fierce as their father. After Attila’s sudden death, the Hunnic empire fell in the hands of his unprepared sons, who were clearly not ready to manage this big an empire. The empire of the Huns gradually dismantled.

Image Source: www.ancient-origins.net

15Attila’s tomb

In January last year, a grand anonymous 5th-century tomb was found, which is thought to be Attila’s tomb. More so, as the Hun’s tomb was lost in time, and nobody could locate it.

Image Source: www.ferfibarlang.hu

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