15 Facts About Ancient Rome You’ve Probably Missed At School

By Nenad Dojcinovski, 6 May 2018

11Vomiting at feasts was normal

Well, we do have a similar “tradition” these days as well. But instead of at feasts, we do it at parties. The Romans always overate at feasts until they felt sick, and they even accepted vomiting as a tradition at some point.

Image Source: wikimedia.org


12Roman women dyed their hair

Dyed hair wasn’t always a thing, even for the Romans. It was considered as a sign of prostitute, until Messalina, Emperor Claudius’s third wife, transformed it into fashion, and since then the Romans started with dying hair.

Image Source: www.dailymotion.com


13Horses could become politicians

Electing a horse as a politician is not that bad considering how politics is done these days. But this wasn’t a tradition, it was just an attempt to mock the Roman senators.

Image Source: www.seefunnyvideos.info


14The Romans didn’t use soap

They didn’t use soap, but they had a bath every day. Instead of soap, the Romans used variety of oils and scrapers to remove the dirt from their bodies.

Image Source: kazanfirst.ru

15The Roman laundry was very unusual

Not using soap to wash yourself is one thing, but using urine to wash your clothes is a different story. They should’ve used oils as a replacement for detergent as well, but hey, they thought drinking blood will make you more powerful.

Image Source: www.morocco-rent-bus.com

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