Extensive Study Finds the Mediterranean Diet Can Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer By 40%

By Andrew Alpin, 4 May 2017

2 Prevention and awareness is the key to avoiding Breast cancer

In usual circumstances, the Mediterranean diet does not exclude a moderate consumption of alcohol. However the study excluded alcohol as it invites a risk of breast cancer and is linked to 12,000 cases of breast cancer per year. 40% of every type of cancer is due to poor lifestyle. Breast cancer is increased by weight, obesity, poor nutrition and diet, alcohol and smoking.

This is what Dr. Panagiota Mitrou, Director of Research Funding at World Cancer Research Fund, had to say: “This important study showed that following a dietary pattern like the Mediterranean Diet could help reduce breast cancer risk – particularly the subtype with a poorer prognosis. With breast cancer being so common in the UK, prevention is the key if we want to see a decrease in the number of women developing the disease”.

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3 Women need to understand the signs and symptoms of breast cancer for timely action

The lead researcher of the study at Maastricht University, Professor Piet van den Brandt said

“We found a strong link between the Mediterranean Diet and reduced estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer risk among postmenopausal women, even in a non-Mediterranean population. This type of breast cancer usually has a worse prognosis than other types of breast cancer".

Most experts also felt that women should understand that even a healthy lifestyle combined with a proper diet and exercise may not totally prevent breast cancer, but the risk of the disease is reduced to a great extent. It is vital that women understand the signs and symptoms of breast cancer where a regular health check up is advised in case of any concerns.

Image Source: www.slidesharecdn.com

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