12 Exercises Women Over 40 Should Do Every Week

By Varun Dwarkani, 2 February 2018

10Shoulder Exercise

The shoulder is an important part of the body as it helps to carry weights and perform tasks much easier. Having a strong shoulder is ideal to prevent injuries while handling heavy weights and gives us enough strength to perform hard tasks. There are many exercises which include shoulder press, push-ups, dumbbell press. Each exercise should be performed in a set of three with 10-15 reps. This workout should be done once a week for strong shoulder muscles.

Image Source: www.pinterest.com

11Leg exercise

Women who want to maintain their legs strong and muscular should perform legs exercise once a week to maintain it in structure and strength. There a variety of machines to perform legs workout including leg press. Free squats are more suitable because it can be performed without any equipment anywhere. Around 70-80 free squats should be performed along with other exercises.

Image Source: suncoastchiropractic.ca

12Enough Sleep

The most important part of all these workouts is to get an adequate amount of sleep. Most women get less sleep and have trouble sleeping on the other days due to the menstrual cycle. They have too much work or depression which causes them to be upset or feel irritated. They should sleep a minimum of 7 hours each day to maintain their health properly and to be fresh the next day to perform the daily chores and to workout. After all, nothing feels better after a good night’s sleep the next day! 

Image Source: sleepsugar.com

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