14 Emotional Abuse Signs: From Control To Guilt, Therapist Reveals The Subtle Red Flags To Protect Yourself From

By Andrew Alpin, 1 March 2018

7Backhanded compliments are the new style of complementing

As the years pass by your partner loses interest in you, unlike in the past when he would find you attractive and compliment you that time has long gone by and forgotten now. In fact now it’s safer not to ask how you look as it would invite nasty comments on how “bad” you look, or you’ve gained weight. If you display any sign of objection, you are termed oversensitive.

Image Source: www.kawpan.com

8Lack of empathy

This is a classic working couple malady. A man facing a problem in his work is a catastrophe which everyone sympathizes with. But if it’s the lady of the house with the same problem and if she shares her ordeals, it is always met by terms as “over-reacting”, “what would you have done if you were in my place” or worse “its part of life- get over with”. In fact, these abusers slyly disappear when you need them the most.

Image Source: www.mensstyle.com.au

9You're always in the wrong

A classic tell tale sign of an emotionally abusive partner is that he is always right and you are always at fault, no matter what! They are so sick they will keep a mental list of all the past follies whether big or small and regularly use it against you time and again. Seems like the dictum “let the bygones be bygone is sacrilegious to these sort of people”.

Image Source: microfilenetwork.com

10The purse-strings tightening partner

One of the emotional abuse signs is financial control. God help you if you married to this abuser and are unemployed or for some reason dependent on his money, you can see your dignity fly off the window. Financial abuse is a classic trip with friends tactic of an abusive partner is to controlling you financially. Before you ask for money for your own use, be ready with a complete expenditure plan for him to approve and later it would be crossed checked too. If that’s not embarrassing enough, you would see that your partner never feels like discussing where he is spending or “investing his money, but he would always be ready with a truck load of advice on how to be careful with money! If you are planning to borrow money for training, career or having a trip with your friends, you may be refused as you can ill afford it.

Image Source: patheos.com:

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