15 Ways to Eliminate Sunspots by Using Only Natural Remedies

By Milos Kitanovic, 11 June 2018

If you are like most people, then summer is probably your favorite part of the year. Bright sunny days, the beach, swimming in the pools, going on vacation, I mean what's not to like? Unless, of course, you have sensitive skin, then sunspots can pretty much spoil your entire summer experience. Because not only don't they look very appealing aesthetically, but they could also be extremely dangerous. Premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and most importantly, and most dangerously skin cancer, just to name a few.

For these reasons, you have to use sunscreen to protect yourself. But if you still end up with sunspots here and there on your skin after a day on the beach, then this article is just for you, as we are going to present to you 15 tips that can help you get rid of sunspots on your body using only natural remedies. So without further ado, let's get right into this.

1Lemons can help you battle sunspots

You are probably wondering how lemons can help you battle these awful sunspots that are ruining your body. The answer, however, will surely satisfy you, so much so that you'll be on your way to the nearest supermarket, to get as many lemons as possible. For it is lemon that contains a so-called citric acid, a great bleaching agent which is exactly what you need, to get rid of these sunspots of yours. But I got to warn you; it may cause a mild burn. But have no doubts, because it's well worth it. Just squeeze the lemon juice and apply it with a cotton pad about 3-4 times a week.

Image Source: brightside.me

2Use Papaya In The Morning

The second fruit you are going to need is papaya. Yes, you read it right. Papaya, because of its enzymes and peeling properties. You can grate it, or mash it, and then apply it on the troubled spot. Then, after 20 minutes or so, rinse it with lukewarm water. It's for the best to use this method in the morning and the evening. For it's way milder than lemon.

Image Source: clipmass.com

3Use Of Watermelon is Beneficial

Last but not least of the fruit category, watermelon because of vitamins A, B, and C. Well, it's a berry, actually, but you get the point. Don't hope for quick results, though, because watermelon will only help you even out your skin in time. So be patient and try to resist the desire to eat this delicious slice. Just rub it on the troubled spot and leave it for 20-30 minutes. And then wash it off.

Now, on to the vegetables.

Image Source: media.caak.mn

4Red onion

However unpleasant rubbing a red onion to your skin may sound, it might help you because, after all, red onions are naturally acidic and they will help the dark spots fade away quickly. Sure, there will be an odor, but you got to endure because this is your skin we are talking about here. But it's not like the process itself is complicated or anything. You need to mix one tablespoon of red onion juice with two tablespoons of honey. See, it's already getting better. Then, after putting the excessive amount in the fridge, you apply this mix to the dark spot and rinse after 15 minutes. As you would want that odor gone, as soon as possible, I suppose.

And here is an extra tip: Apply this mix of red onion and honey to your body, before trying it on your face. You are welcome.

Image Source: files.brightside.me

5Tomato Can Be Very Useful

This fact might surprise you, but tomato can also be very useful when it comes to fighting the sunspots because of its whitening effect on the skin. After all, there is a reason why beauty brands in Korea who are obsessed with porcelain-like complexion use tomato-based products excessively. But as far as personal use is concerned, you can buy a tomato whitening mask. But then again, who needs this, when you can also squeeze a bit of that delicious tomato juice, or just put a slice on the troubled area, and leave it on for ten minutes or so. Do that 3-4 times a week, and those nasty sunspots will go away in no time.

Image Source: ugc.kn3.net

6Cucumber face mask

You've all heard of cucumber face mask. And there is a reason for this as a cucumber is well-known for its moisturizing properties and high level of vitamin C. That's exactly what your skin, damaged with sunspots, needs to heal itself. You need a slice of cucumber to mix with glycerin, and then apply the mix to the troubled area and leave it on for 15 minutes. The good news is that you can enjoy this little ritual as often as you wish.

Now, prepare yourself for some healing properties of oils.

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7Sweet almond oil

Get ready for some pleasant smell for a change as not only does sweet almond oil smell wonderful (as its name suggests) but this special oil is also rich in vitamins such as A, B2, B6, D, and E, not to mention the fact that it contains oleic and linoleic acids as well. Sure, it's not cheap at all, but at least it's not greasy, and when applied, it is absorbed pretty quickly, Anything for your skin, right?

The use of sweet almond oil couldn't be simpler. You just use it as a lotion and gently apply it to the dark spots every night before bed. And the best thing is that you don't even have to wash it off.

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8Vitamin E

There are so many ways that you can use Vitamin E such as taking it as a supplement or applying to your skin. If you decide to take capsules, the process is simple. You squeeze the capsule onto the troubled area and spread it out. And the best thing is that you don't even have to rinse it, not to mention the fact that no harm will come to you if you decide to use this method excessively.

Image Source: www.minebotanicals.com

9Castor oil for Pigmented areas

Not only does the castor oil keep the skin tone even by reducing the pigmented areas, but it's also a cheaper alternative compared to sweet almond oil, for example. All in all, you need to apply the castor oil to the sunspots in mornings and the evenings by rubbing it gently and let it do its magic.

With castor oil, we are quite finished with the healing properties that oils have on your skin. Now, let's jump right to the liquids.

Image Source: brightside.me

10Apple cider vinegar

Apart from being a healthy product all in itself, apple cider vinegar is also useful when it comes to treating spots, and according to experts, even better for preventing them. And it's all because of the alpha hydroxyl acids that the apple cider vinegar contains. You create a paste by mixing half a teaspoon of vinegar with one teaspoon of good old lemon juice and then you apply it with a cotton pad and wash it off when it dries.

Image Source: ytimg.com

11Green tea

Green tea is yet another liquid remedy for your sunspot treatment. It's great for your skin because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. And the best thing is that you can use a tea bag to pat, and not by any means rub, the skin. How simple is that?

Image Source: brightsideplanet.com

12Coconut water

When it comes to treating your skin, coconut water is the way to go because of its bleaching effect. And the use is pretty simple, you apply, let it dry, and then reapply as often as you wish.

With that said, now let's talk about some dairy products that happen to be good for your skin.

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Buttermilk, you know, the liquid that's left after butter was churned out of the milk, is quite good for your skin as it contains lactic acid which helps remove those persisting dark skin cells you can't seem to get rid of. You need to soak a cotton ball in buttermilk, put it on the troubled area and leave it for approximately 20 minutes before rinsing.

Image Source: brightside.me

14 Use Yogurt for Good Skin

Yogurt is yet another dairy product that's pretty good for your skin. The effect is similar to that of the buttermilk; only, as you know, yogurt is probably way easier to find at the local supermarket. Just look for one with no additives and use it on the whole body when you have sunburns, and voila.

Image Source: www.troab.com

15 Spices for Sunspot Treatment 

When it comes to spices, turmeric and sandalwood are the best choices for your sunspot treatment as they both have antiseptic properties. Not only that but sandalwood is also quite known for eliminating hyperpigmentation and reducing dullness. For best results, you can mix it with some lemon juice and apply to the troubled areas, let it dry and then rinse. As far as turmeric is concerned, it is for the best that you mix it with the oils mentioned above.

Image Source: brightside.me

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