This 30 Day DeClutter Challenge Will Help You Clean Out and Organize Your Home

By Andrew Alpin, 18 April 2018

You may have read about the 21-day anxiety challenge on this website a week ago about how super mommy Liz Nieman worked out for herself a 30-day activity list that helps get rid of anxiety and depression. Well, here’s another great piece of advice from Liz about how cluttering around the house can actually be traumatic.

1Clutter brings negative energy

As we see it, a cluttered house oozes negative energy. Moreover, the very sight of clutter is overwhelming and feels as if it may take you weeks to restore your home back to order. No one likes a cluttered house but invariably lack of time, irresponsible children or family members may leave your house in such a mess that you might just get depressed about it. So what do you do? 

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2The best way to declutter your home

The only way to declutter your home is to get back on track, stop wringing your hands each time you look at it, wipe those tears of frustration away and make up your mind to do something about it. Take the declutter challenge that requires you to perform activities one day at a time till your house is clutter free by the end of 30 days. As fast as your house was cluttered, that fast it will also be de-cluttered. So without further ado, here is the 30 day declutter challenge.


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3Days 1 and 2

Empty out your junk from one drawer Purge your closet of the clothes and items you don’t wear Lost every household has this problem where we store junk in our drawers and in spite of clothes that don’t fit us anymore; we just allow them to remain in the closet. Get rid of them now. 

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4Days 3 and 4

Go through your movie collection

Clean out your television stand

This is common for many homes where you may find old DVDs that are damaged and you may not need anymore. With the thousands of movie titles available on torrent and free movie websites, you should chuck out the common titles and keep those that are too valuable and nostalgic to you. Take a look at your TV stand. It is sure to be an untidy bunch of tangled wires. Get rid of the cables not need and use cable fasteners to keep cables neatly. Make sure it is dust free too. 

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5Day 5 and 6

Go through your mail pile

Clean off your kitchen table

Clean out your useless mail and your kitchen table of all useless junk. 

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6Day 7 and 8

Purge two kitchen cabinets

Discard old books

Kitchen cabinets are usually piled with items that may even be expired goods. Clean out your kitchen thoroughly including the bookshelves in your rooms. If there are books that are not worth keeping or redundant, then get rid of them. 

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7Day 9 and 10

Clean out your wallet

Clean out your purse

You may be surprised to find transport tickets, sales receipts and a lot of useless paraphernalia. 

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8Day 11 and 12

Clean out your makeup drawer

Empty out almost empty containers in the shower

Your makeup drawers may contain a lot of expired goods, empty perfume bottles and canisters that you don’t need. Throw out the empty containers lying on your shower shelves. 

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9Days 13, 14 and 15

Clean out your bathroom cabinet

Get rid of old shoes

Clean 2 more kitchen cabinets

Clean out all your cabinets of the remaining clutter that may have been left over from earlier days. Get rid of shoes that aren’t worn by you or family members. 

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10Days 16, 17 and 18

Start organizing your linen closet

Clean your medicine cabinet

Dump old and stale items from your freezer

Your linen closet may be full of old junk you don’t need. So is your medicine cabinet that may be filled with expired tablets, empty medicine bottles and the like. Your freezer could do with a good cleaning after you dump all the stale stuff. 

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11Days 19, 20 and 21

Clear out your kitchen counters

Empty out some more junk from drawers

Clean out your fridge

Start clearing your kitchen counters of whatever remaining junk you may have over there till it is clean. Empty out the remaining junk from drawers and also get your fridge organized. 

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12Days 22, 23, and 24

Clean 2 more kitchen cabinets

Get rid of unused accessories like jewellery and hats

Clean out junk from your car

You are now bearing the final steps of the de-clutter challenge where your kitchen will soon be absolutely free from clutter. Empty out two more kitchen cabinets. Get rid of junk jewellery and accessories that you don’t wear. Clean out your entire car.


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13Day 25, 26, and 27

Get rid of kids unused toys

Donate unused board games and electronic games

Organize and discard cleaning supplies

Kid’s toys can be cumbersome clutter especially when they are broken and just junk. Get rid of them. Donate unused board games or the ones your kids have outgrown. 

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14Days 28, 29 and 30

Organize and discard all cleaning supplies

Clean out 2 more kitchen cabinets

Now organize your newly organized home all sparkly and clean

Now that you have come to the end of the de clutter challenge, get rid of cleaning supplies you don’t need or are finished. Your home is free from clutter now organize it to restore it to look sparkling clean. 

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15Family support

During your declutter challenge, support form family is vital in helping you organize your home. Discuss things with kids and ask them to keep their things properly in their closets or cupboards.

You can also get Liz 30 day Declutter workbook to help you organize yourself during the 30 day de-clutter challenge.

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