15 Things Others Won’t Realize You Are Doing Because Of Your Constant Anxiety

By Andrew Alpin, 18 April 2018

6You keep obsessing about the worst case scenario

The worst thing about anxiety and depression is that you can’t help being pessimistic about everything. Those who aren’t suffering such conditions, take note: A person with panic disorders and anxiety can’t help what is happening to them, they could have faced traumatic events in life or subconsciously being affected by negativity which they may be unable to pinpoint. Either way, anxiety forces one to think that every outcome may be a bad one.

Image Source: providr.com

7Anxious people link the worst disease with symptoms of illness

Not that anxious people are hypochondriacs but the negative viewpoint forces them to think that the illness is a serious and possibly fatal one. Those with anxiety are prone to convincing themselves that the worst case scenario is about to happen. 

Image Source: fivestaruc.com

8Rethinking about past conversations

Regardless of the outcome of a conversation, anxious people tend to allow it to keep playing over and over in their head. The reason for doing so is to identify any possible point in the conversation where they may have said something wrong and which they fear may attract a confrontation.

This constant rewinding can make them extremely anxious and worried for days on end as they constantly need to reassure themselves that everything is ok. 

Image Source: .auntyacid.com

9The concerns of others trigger more worry

Although this sounds very contradictory, this happens to be one of the man triggers of anxiety because when anxious people find someone noticing their condition and being concerned about them, they start fearing that their condition is even worse than they thought. This could trigger them into further depression. 

Image Source: familyserviceguelph.on.ca

10Anxious persons take the blame for slow responses

People with anxiety always expect a person to respond to their messages quickly which is why when someone responds slowly, they take the blame in thinking that there is something wrong with them. The person may not want to be associated with them anymore or is too busy to consider them as important.


Image Source: ytimg.com

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