15 Things Others Won’t Realize You Are Doing Because Of Your Constant Anxiety

By Andrew Alpin, 18 April 2018

Anxiety and nervousness are part and parcel of life. Sometimes, things don’t turn out the way we want. We may be anxious about an impending event, an interview an exam, or a health test. Such incidents that may induce a certain amount of anxiety in us which may help us concentrate; focus and work harden in managing them. However, in many people, levels of anxiety go out of hand and beyond a person’s normal level of such experiences. This is when it becomes a problem where several factors could impact and trigger such conditions that could be very hard to get rid of.

1The biggest problem about anxiety

The tragic fact about anxiety is those who don’t suffer from it don’t realize what’s going on. There are many who cannot find any justification to empathize with a person who is depressed out of assumptions that the person is lazy, passive, irresponsible or seeing attention. “Why are you depressed” is a common question asked worldwide of many who can’t really give you an answer. That’s when the wrong assumptions start not knowing that depression and anxiety is an affliction that can attack you some time with no rhyme or reason. 

Image Source: medicalnewstoday.com

2Anxiety attacks you, it isn’t invited

This article is primarily meant for those who aren’t suffering from chronic anxiety. Perhaps this will create more awareness into not making unjustified or wrong assumptions about people who are depressed and who need your support not criticism. This is a list of what anxious people usually do without even realizing it because of anxiety. 

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3They decline invitations to events even though they would like going

You’ve wanted to go for that big bash for weeks on end but when the day comes, your anxiety attack flares up with full force overwhelming you and draining you of energy. As a result, you simply stay home because you don’t want to spoil the day for others.

The next time if you have a friend suffering from anxiety and they don’t turn up for your party, just remember this. 

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4Obsessions over trivial matters

Anxious people are obsessed over trivial incidents both negative and positive and dwell on such matters for months on end. It could be a hurtful word, it could be someone looking at you in the street, it could be people who aren’t responsive to you through cell, internet or text. When you don’t get a response back, you begin to worry and wonder negative reasons assuming they are ignoring you, they may not like you anymore, they don’t want to keep in touch with you etc.

What’s more, trivial matters upset you at home because of constant irritability. You may also assume too deeply what people may tell you like a joke may be misinterpreted as intentional criticism. When work gets to much it can overwhelm you and that’s not because you are lazy, it’s because you suffer from anxiety and people should realize that. 

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5You sleep too late and wake up too early

Insomnia usually affects those who are anxious and depressed. You just can’t sleep at night and finally when you do, you wake up two early which become a vicious cycle of torment as lack of sleep further weakens your brain. Lack of serotonin and melatonin the sleep and feel good hormones are reduced only worsening your symptoms.

Anxious people get up too early because of the anxiety clock ticking away in the body like a secondary alarm. Once it rings, you just can’t return back to sleep again. 

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6You keep obsessing about the worst case scenario

The worst thing about anxiety and depression is that you can’t help being pessimistic about everything. Those who aren’t suffering such conditions, take note: A person with panic disorders and anxiety can’t help what is happening to them, they could have faced traumatic events in life or subconsciously being affected by negativity which they may be unable to pinpoint. Either way, anxiety forces one to think that every outcome may be a bad one.

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7Anxious people link the worst disease with symptoms of illness

Not that anxious people are hypochondriacs but the negative viewpoint forces them to think that the illness is a serious and possibly fatal one. Those with anxiety are prone to convincing themselves that the worst case scenario is about to happen. 

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8Rethinking about past conversations

Regardless of the outcome of a conversation, anxious people tend to allow it to keep playing over and over in their head. The reason for doing so is to identify any possible point in the conversation where they may have said something wrong and which they fear may attract a confrontation.

This constant rewinding can make them extremely anxious and worried for days on end as they constantly need to reassure themselves that everything is ok. 

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9The concerns of others trigger more worry

Although this sounds very contradictory, this happens to be one of the man triggers of anxiety because when anxious people find someone noticing their condition and being concerned about them, they start fearing that their condition is even worse than they thought. This could trigger them into further depression. 

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10Anxious persons take the blame for slow responses

People with anxiety always expect a person to respond to their messages quickly which is why when someone responds slowly, they take the blame in thinking that there is something wrong with them. The person may not want to be associated with them anymore or is too busy to consider them as important.


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11Terrified of the future

Those who are anxious and suffer from anxiety are too afraid of what the future holds for them. When dealing with the present can be overwhelming and tough, the future can be terrifying because of uncertainties and impending negative experiences that invariably are bound to come their way. This is what anxiety is all about and an anxious person be it friend or partner or family needs support, kind words and reassurances to neutralize the negative thinking. 

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12Constantly Comparing Success to Others Your Age

This is a perfect condition of anxiety and part of it is got to do with low self-esteem. Anxious people are constantly weighing their achievements against others and comparing themselves to the successes of others. They often do this unintentionally and sadly enough, it hurts them to think while others are successful, they may not be so. What anxious people need is constant drive and motivation through positive influences in life.

One should never make comparisons between anxious people and others nor weigh their achievements against those of their companions, friends and other members of the family. An anxious person is their own biggest critic. They may be constantly scrolling through social media hurting themselves when seeing the performances and experiences of others.

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13You criticize and hurt yourself over every mistake

Although mistakes are a way of life, for anxious people it is unbearable simply because of self-blame. Mistakes haunt such people because their anxiety will not allow them to feel that it is a way of life and needs to be forgotten or regarded as a learning experience.


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14Fatigued and tired to get out of bed

Anxiety is a full-time condition that plague and exhausts a person both mentally, emotionally and physically. Anxiety will wake a person up extra early but it also forces them to remain in bed simply because they are too tired or fatigued due to lack of sleep and emotional draining. 

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15They don’t like meeting new people

The biggest problem with anxious people is socializing because of low self-esteem and lack of confidence. Anxious people think very poorly about themselves and may feel too ugly when they are actually beautiful. They may feel they are not as smart as others when they are intelligent. They may feel they are unable to speak or conduct themselves well in public when they may do so well. The problem is that their anxiety is like a grip and a vice on their mental thought which just won’t allow their true personality and abilities to shine. Anxious people don’t like conversing and will keep to themselves or leave a function altogether. 

Image Source: www.helpguide.org

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