Bloating is one of the insignificant signs of serious disease but could be a common problem of indigestion. Abdominal bloating can also be due to a stressful lifestyle, dehydration and of course overeating as the most common cause. Further problems like constipation and indigestion can also cause bloating as well as gut inflammation due to bowel bacteria. In such cases, you need to identify the foods that could be causing your bloating and avoid them entirely. Eating foods like prebiotics and probiotics that introduce or increase good bacteria in your gut could considerably help with gut inflammation.
In more serious cases a bloated stomach could indicate dumping syndrome, ovarian cancer and celiac disease. Frequent bloating with reflux and abdominal pain and irregular bowels could also be a possibility of stomach cancer. While there is no need to be alarmed as such symptoms can also indicate a common stomach inflammation, still it never hurts to get a checkup and see a gastroenterologist.
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Most people make the mistake of treating heartburn with antacids and reflux medication in spite of the problem occurring frequently. While heartburn is a common symptom of spicy food, indigestion or reflux, if repeated occurrences are observed, you need to consult a doctor. It could be one of the symptoms of chronic gallbladder disease or gallstones. Associated symptoms are nausea and vomiting accompanied with pain although there are many people who have surprisingly been diagnosed with gallstones even though there was no pain.
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Among insignificant signs of serious disease. Not always is frequent dry skin just a skin problem. While dry skin is a common occurrence in cold weather that can be remedied by moisturizers, suddenly finding your skin dry even in summer should be a cause for the skin as it could indicate an underlying problem. Kidney disease should not be ruled out as dry sin is one of the problems of poor kidney function. A slow metabolism and thyroid problems could also cause dry skin.
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