Anuko’s surly, bored off and extremely grumpy character seems to show he is one big Ebenezer Scrooge and if the dog could speak, it seems a BAH HUMBUG, is ready to escape his lips.
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Don’t be fooled though!! His grumpy look is actually the opposite and he is a calm and relaxed dog. He is also kind and very enthusiastic for joining in the fun his family says, although if you ask me, he looks thoroughly pissed off.
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Says Jasmine “He’s mostly chilled out, very quiet. He’s not overbearing so doesn’t like cuddles that much, but if you leave the room he will follow.” She also says that Anuko is like her shadow and is always with her. He is like almost therapy where she adds “something that’s benefited me a lot regarding my mental health”.
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Anuko and Jasmine’s story is quite heartwarming. He was found by jasmine when he was just 5 weeks old. She was suffering and struggling from depression and poor mental health.
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