11 Tests To Check Your Vision Clarity And Color Perception. See How Good Your Eyes Are

By Nitin Bhatnagar, 15 June 2018

Our dependence on the computers, laptops or mobiles has increased a lot and it won’t be wrong to say that our lives are in fact revolving around them now. This has put a lot of burden on our eyes as working continuously affects them a lot and many people are suffering from eye diseases at a very young age. Use of spectacles by school-going kids is a common thing now and it is also giving rise to other problems.

One such problem that a person may face is color blindness. It doesn’t mean that a person’s vision is lost but still it is a big problem.

What is color blindness?

Color blindness or color vision deficiency means that a person is either not able to differentiate between two colors like other people do or not able to see some colors. People who suffer from simple or not severe color blindness don’t get to know about this problem until and unless they are examined in a clinic or hospital.

Image Source: www.funscience.in

What are the symptoms of color blindness?

In majority of the cases, the symptoms of color blindness are so slight that they are not even noticed. However, parents can observe such symptoms in their kids if they pay proper attention. The common symptoms of color blindness include difficulty in differentiating between colors and inability to see other shades or tone of the same color.

Image Source: iristech.co

Causes of color blindness

Color blindness is caused because the light-sensitive cells, which are in the retina, don’t respond in a proper manner to the variations in the wavelength of light due to which a person sees different colors. Other causes of color vision defect can be drugs such as Tigabine which reduce color vision.

Image Source: www.bausch.com

Treatment of color blindness

Presently, there is no treatment for color blindness but there are some methods which may help a person in living life properly without letting this disease hamper their daily routine. However, color perception can be increased with the use of special lenses which are either in the form of contact lenses or eyeglasses.

Image Source: www.technicupdates.com

Here are some sample tests for checking your vision clarity and color perception:

1Is there something hidden in these dots?

Below is a set of two pictures full of dots; however, in the midst of the dots, there is something hidden. Can you see it?

Image Source: lezhanews.com

Did you answer 7 and 16? Well, that's absolutely correct! Shinobu Ishihara, an ophthalmologist from Japan, was the creator of this test which is being used since 1917.

2What is this blue screen hiding?

This may appear to be the floor of a pool but it in fact is a test to check your vision. Do you see anything in the blue screen?

Image Source: files.brightside.me

Again numbers? Yes, you are right! Number 503 is hidden in the blue rectangle but people with color deficiency won’t get it right.

3Do you see something in these photos?

There are two pictures of different colors, i.e., red and green, and one thing is present in both the pics. Can you see it?

Did you say butterflies? Yes, that’s right! However, people who are suffering from red-green color blindness will not be able to identify it. It’s the most common color deficiency type and men are more affected by it in comparison to women.

Image Source: files.brightside.me

4Let's play number game again!

Here are two circles full of dots of different colors. Did you notice anything in the circle other than dots?

Yes, there are again numbers hidden amid the dots and the numbers are 13 and 8. However, individuals who suffer from red color blindness will see it as 1 while the ones with green color blindness will notice number 3 and they both will see number 8 as 3.

Image Source: thechive.files.wordpress.com

5Here's a harder one. Can you answer it correctly?

Once again we present a set of two pictures and the dots have something hidden between them. Did you get it?

The correct numbers are 12 and 9 but persons who are suffering from red-green color blindness will think that 17 and 0 are the answers. Which number did you see?

Image Source: thechive.files.wordpress.com

6We challenge you to read this word

Here's a square of green color and it is full of dots. Amidst the green dots, a word is written in red. Can you read it?

Until you are suffering from red-green color blindness, you must have definitely got it right! The correct word is ‘DALTONISM’! Were you able to read it?

Image Source: thumbs.dreamstime.com

7Now this is an interesting one!

This dot game is getting more exciting, isn't it? Well here again we have two circles full of dots. Can you tell what is hidden in these dots?

What? Did you find nothing? Give it one more try….

Still couldn't see?

You are right once again as there's nothing in these pictures; but individuals with red-green color blindness will read number 45.

Image Source: files.brightside.me

8Look carefully and deeply into the abyss. What did you see?

This might be perplexing but is quite simple blossom game once you see what is hidden in the pic. Take a look and try to find out:

Couldn’t get the right answer? Well, it’s 84. Easy, isn’t it? How many of you actually saw it coming out of blue? Be honest!

9If you read it correctly, you are not color blind!

Here's an image with text and only those who don't suffer from red-green color blindness can read it promptly and perfectly.

The text reads,

"I am color blind, Coffee black and egg white…."

However, if you get both the lines correctly, you are certainly not a color blind person.

10Want to try one of the toughest one?

This is probably the most difficult test and it might confuse even people with no color deficiency for a moment. Take a look at the red screen and tell us if you can see anything hidden:

Finding it difficult to answer? Well, once again a number 641 is written inside the screen. Did you already see it?

11 This green floor says something, can you get it?

Well, if you think that it's a lawn or a floor full of algae, let us just tell you that it's nothing else but a test for evaluating your vision. Can you see something inside the green rectangle?

Again a number is hidden in the screen and it is 276. Pretty simply for you but much difficult for the one with color deficiency!

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